Annual American Haidakhan Samaj Meeting & Board Elections
August 7, 2021
Annual Meeting Saturday August Starting 8:00 am pacific/ 11:00 am eastern There are still open seats for the Board Voting schedule plan Join the American Samaj! Zoom Link to our August Annual Meeting
August 7 American Samaj Annual Meeting 7:45 am Pacific/ 10:45 AM Eastern Time (US & Canada) Join Zoom Meeting (click link or paste in your browser)
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87248676622 Meeting ID: 872 4867 6622
Happy 8/7/21 – Bring Your Light – Celebration and greetings from Lok Nath
The river valley at Haidakhan runs East and West. At a certain time of the year the setting sun shines and washes ground level radiance right up the valley, toward the mountains. On one of those afternoons, after his bath while drying himself Babaji stepped up on a rock and faced into the sun. His skin was always unusually silky. But, with the sun on him his whole body was more than silky, it seemed to come alive to the light. He glowed. He was like a sun god.
That memory has faded over the years. What impresses me now is that Babaji was forever saying in non-verbal ways – here is what life is about. Here is what the light and love of creation can be. On that evening in the sun the message, you are the light of the world, did not land in me at all. I thought it was only him – he was out there. His words “I am you” did not penetrate my ego’s armor. Now I am trying to look at every picture and memory of Babaji as a pointing to the true nature of all living beings – me included. The non-verbal, non-dual pointing of Babaji’s presence is a thing of incredible mastery and grace.
He was saying, in part, that words have limitations. To reveal the truth, simplicity/ light and love of creation is a gesture of mystery and caring about the whole of creation itself. That revealing is something all creatures, including us, are about. We each in our own unique way gets to reveal and celebrate the inner light and beauty of life.
So, it is with that in mind that I send hopes you can join the Samaj zoom call on Saturday, 7 August. join in the revealing and reveling. Your joy and presence will be a welcome gift.
BBKJ and love, Lok
Everyone is warmly invited to join the American Haidakhan Samaj at the Annual Meeting online Saturday August 7 from 8 am – 10:30 am USA pacific.
We hope you can join us in a lively discussion about Reconnections with your spiritual practice and experiences.
This year is a voting year for Board Members. There are 3 open seats on the Board. Current Board members are: President: Jai Shankar Treasurer: Panna Singh Financial Secretary: Lok Nath Co-Secretaries: Madhuri Staley & Malti Kuehnemann At Large: Gayatri McCullough Shashi Agarwal Makaan Burt If you are inspired to serve the Babaji community and humanity through the American Samaj, please email your Letter of Intent or nomination to the Samaj Secretary, Melody: samaj108@yahoo.com