16 NOVEMBER 1982
Of greatest importance is that the repetition of God’s name increases daily. In this way, your heart and mind will be purified. Only then will you find God in yourself. The mind can be purified only by japa. This is the only medicine for the disease of the mind. While your mind and heart are impure, how can God live in your heart? The water to clean your heart is the Name of God. So teach everyone to repeat the name of God—everywhere. I do not want idle people. Japa does not take the place of karma. Japa and work go together. You must be active in God’s work, like King Janaka who ruled his kingdom always with his mantra in his mind. Arjuna fought the Mahabharata battle, constantly remembering God’s name. I do not want japa to be a pretext for idleness. Do japa with your work and be liberated. I do not want God’s name to be like stagnant, muddy water, but like sparkling, running water. Work and be Light; Repeat God’s name. With a concentrated mind always repeat God’s name. We must always have good thoughts for each other. When you meet, say “Jai Mahamaya ki!” Mahamaya is the great energy of the universe.