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12/18/2017 Seasons Greetings Friends


Dear Sisters and Brothers in Babaji ***

WARM SEASON GREETINGS in truth Simplicity and Love !

May celebrations and the turning to 2018, even amidst global hurt, divisions and tragic oppressiveness, find in you deep peace and more peace!

Each of us, as Babaji pointed to, is a unique and sacred unfolding of creation – the Divine.

In the opening lines of the Aarti we sing: “ Karpur Gauram . . . White as camphor, compassion incarnate / Essence of the universe, garlanded with snakes, ( creativity, life force, transformation) / Ever residing in the lotus of my heart /

To shiva and the Goddess Mother, I bow. . . . /

It is here in our hearts we are reminded to return and return again to “ . . take shelter and surrender before the omnipotent Lord / Holy peaceful , non-dual , remover of sins ( dualities) / The trinity, remover of pain, doer of goodness. ”

May you be a blessing poured out for creation in the New Year!

If it would be meaningful for you and support purpose in your life, please contribute to the American Haidakhan Samaj– at the “donate” button or contact us with ideas for service through

We add significantly to the work of Ashrams and Hospitals in India, the Crestone Ashram HUA, Centers in NorthAmerica and through our environmental initiative Love Our Earth.

Bhole Baba Ki Jai and Much love –

On behalf of your Samaj Board,




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